Equatorial Guinea
The field is a series of stacked deep-water channel complexes which sit within a NE-SW trending belt of salt-cored structural highs, interpreted as base-of-slope compressional features (also known as a “toe-thrust”).
Following its discovery in 1999, drill stem tests flowed rates up to 12,400bopd (28°API) from high-quality late Cretaceous sands. In December 1999, a Plan of Development was approved by the Government, and in 2000 a 3D seismic survey was completed. Three additional appraisal wells, Ceiba-3, -4 and -5, were drilled in 2000.
Ceiba deepwater field and connectivity
In Ceiba the oil API gravities vary from 24-34o, the oil viscosity is 0.8 cP and the Bo is 1.3 rb/stb. Within the Okume complex, API gravities vary from 21o (Okume-3) to 38o (Akom North) and viscosities range from 0.35-0.6 cP in Akom North to 1.5-2.0 cP in Elon Main.
Oil formation volume factors range from 1.2 to 1.6 rb/stb. Elon, Oveng, Akom North and Okume-1 oils are slightly under-saturated (by between ~100 and 400psi), with Okume -2, -3, -5 and Ebano more significantly under-saturated (by around 1000-1600psi).